

Until the End of the World by Sarah Lyons Fleming

I will be honest; I finished this book actually crying. I went through all of the characters' emotions with them, and I was very happy at the end of the book.

This story starts out with the main character, Cassie, in New York City. She has had a recent traumatic life experience, and she's barely scraping by. On one Friday, everything changes. A virus is spreading rapidly throughout the world, and it kills 100% of the people whom it infects. Unfortunately, it also brings them back to life... as zombies. The rest of the story is about Cassie and her friends trying to survive the end of the known world.

The story started out and finished strong. The characters all have well-developed back stories, and they are believable. I strongly recommend reading this book, unless you have something important to do, because you won't put it down.