Like Fine Wine is a quick guide to a better look. It’s an easy read with short, simple chapters. While it’s not a detailed instruction, I think it’s very good in its own way. It’s a book that you can use to refresh your knowledge, pick up a few things, and research them further if you’re interested. That’s what I did: at first, I was just reading it; then the list of the things on my mind became too big, and I wrote them down.
This book has all those little things that many people overlook, like details of clothing that completely ruin any look, or bad makeup choices that you can only notice when someone else tells you about it. I liked how it wasn’t just about your typical beauty advice, but also about many simple details that are essential to looking top-notch.
I’ve learned a lot about beauty from my mother, who’s looked 10 years younger than she was since she was 35. From exercise to simple anti-wrinkle tricks like using ice when you wash up in the morning to keep your muscles toned, I’ve learned it all from her, even if I haven’t used some of those tactics yet. But I can definitely say that I’ve just picked up a lot more ideas for keeping my face and hair in better shape in the future.
I think this book is a must-read for every woman, and I bet you’ll find at least one thing you didn’t know about in this quick but helpful guide.