

Written On The Apple Tree: A Mystery Psychological Suspense

I was given a free copy of the book by the author in exchange for an honest review

I don’t often read psychological suspense books, and the same goes for short stories. The first is because of how complex and subtle the genre is, and too often I found books disappointing, with their unclear ideas and messages. While I want to support all authors no matter what their genre is, I also prefer to enjoy my reading and not feel like I’ve read something that wasn’t quite well-rounded. As for short stories, I think it’s a different kind of craft, to put all the same meaning and depth into a small book, and so I mostly rely on other reviewers when I find a new short story author. Luckily, this book had those good reviews confirming that the author knows how to write good short stories; and the blurb was very, very intriguing.
I’ll say it right away: if you’re a fan of psychological mysteries, you won’t miss with this one. Yes, it’s only a short story, but it’s absolutely perfect just the way it is. It has the right kind of plot (gripping, edge-of-your-seat storyline) and romance that will make you crave for more. It has a deep, even overwhelming idea underneath it that will have you thinking about it for a long time after you’ve finished your reading. And most importantly, it has a great conclusion, a mind-blowing ending that’s richer for its many interpretations. (If you’re one of those people who like to exercise their minds, this story is for you.)
Also, I would like to say that despite the length of this story, the romance was well done. No insta-love, no one-layered characters; it was very mysterious, intriguing, inviting, honest, and somewhat dark.
I hope this book will find its reader! This short story is a real gem!