
Review Policy

I'm currently not accepting self-published books for review
Say Thank you to the rejected author who sent a complaint about me to Amazon and Goodreads

*This is the blog I've created after I've lost access to the Indie Stars blog*

My reviews are both about traditionally published and self-published books that I received from authors personally.
To submit your book, please read the review policy and use the contact form on the right. Don't forget to include the Amazon link. I accept only high-quality books, as I only have time for good reviews.
Please don't include any extra information (like blurb, bio, your website, interviews, and so on. I only need the Amazon link. Otherwise, sorting out my mail gets tedious, to the point where I have to skip overly long emails without reading.) 
If I don't reply to you, please don't think it's because I thought your book was bad - it's just not my cup of tea.
I accept almost all genres; however, I will not read heavy erotica and gore-fiction.
I read ebooks in PDF. You can send me a Kindle copy as well (if you need a verified review), but I won't be able to read your book on Kindle! You have to send me a PDF copy.
Where I post my reviews:
  1. Amazon UK
  2. Amazon US
  3. Goodreads
  4. This blog
  5. Google Plus
  6. Tumblr

My Tumblr blog has over 1700 followers:

I also usually share my reviews on Google Groups (84 000 followers)

I'm currently a stay-at-home mother, and I read a lot of books, sometimes 2-3 a day. I don't review all books that I read. All my reviews go together with promotion, because once I've read a book, I like to spread the word about it and discuss it with my followers. 

Once your book is accepted, you'll only have to wait 1-5 days for the review. It might take me a few days to get back to you, but don't worry, I'll contact you as soon as I'm ready to read your book!